Monday, October 24, 2011

The Dance!!

The girls had SO much fun at the Stake Dance this past weekend, best ever!!  They could not stop talking about it all day yesterday, made me so happy!!  I love it when they have such fun, with great friends!!


It was an up and down Homecoming week for sweet Jenn.  Jenn and I had many discussions on the Strength of Youth and what a "date" actually is.  At the end of the week Jenn went to pictures and dinner with a "group" and then went to the Church stake dance.  The next morning she said to me and I want this documented "Mom, you were right.  My friends who went to the school dance hated it and I really had SO much fun at the the dance!!"  After several sleepless nights and tossing and turning and hoping that I was not ruining Jenn's life it was music to my ears to hear how much fun she had!!  I am so thankful for Jenn and what an obedient good sweet girl she is and how she tried to choose the right.  I am a lucky Mom!! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amy's shower performances

Okay, Amy is not singing in the shower in this picture clearly.  She is singing her solo at the choir concert this past week.  She did a wonderful job, I had heard her solo numerous times, along with many other songs every night in her performances in the shower!!  Amy is famous for her singing in the shower which can go on for a very long time.  We love her singing and love that she loves her showers, but if you happen to be the person to shower after Amy, you DO NOT LOVE IT!!  I heard her singing this morning on this gorgeous Sunday morning and did not put it together that she was singing in the shower until I took my own shower and there was not a drop of hot water!!  I screamed from the shower "Amy better be very afraid!!"  The thing was, she did not even feel bad :)  At least she sounds good!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Choir Concert!!

The first Choir concert of the year was last night and the girls were amazing!!  It was so fun to see Jenn finally up on the high school stage and Amy lit up the stage with her awesome solo in Shebee's and in show choir where she was front and center!!  It felt very strange and sad to me to NOT have Sarah up on stage performing and she was missed by me and Dana mentioned to me as well that it did not feel right!!  The girls went out afterward to Mcdonalds with their buddies and had a great time.  I was very proud of them!! 

Spirit Week at HHS!!

This week at HHS was Spirit week to get ready for Homecoming this weekend!!  The girls had fun dressing in the themes every day and it took them quite a while every night to figure out what they were going to wear the next day!!  Both Amy and Jenn have some cute friends.  I like the picture where they are all mocking Megan who hates the school and won't participate in any school spirit, sounds a little like Sarah and Matthew used to be!!  There are a few pictures of the kids being silly at B and the Beast rehearsals.  I am glad they have such fun friends!!