Monday, March 30, 2009

A Monday With the Freemans!!!

A day in the life of the Freeman's!! It found Sarah practicing her Madrigal song over and over again "Going to her naked bed!!" the Title got lots of laughs from us, it is a medieval song and naked bed means empty bed, but still good for many good jokes. Good luck on your audition tomorrow Sarah!! I had to get a picture of Amy's typical afternoon snack and her three empty bags of cheezits; that is just the start of her snack time!! That girl can do some eating although we are not sure where she puts it!! And then there is Jenn getting ready to leave on a bike ride with her friends and they decided to wear "nerd glasses" today that they all got together!! Abby and her buddy set up a lemonade stand and were too cute for words!! They were very pleased with the money they made and had so much fun!! It was a fun Monday afternoon in the Freeman house!!! We also had an extra voice lesson for Amy to prep for her show choir audition and swimteam for Abby!! The Mom in the house is weary but there is miles to go around here!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sarah starring as the follies girl SHEILA in Crazy For You!!!

They took some photos last night at rehearsal for the local newspapers!! Apparently they are not going to use these skirts because they are too see through!! They look darling though!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lemonade for Sale!!

Jenn and her friends decided that it was such a gorgeous day that they would have a lemonade stand!! They all ended up at our house where we could only find Rasberry Crystal light but they called it Razzle Dazzle Lemonade and it worked!! They made posters and ran up and down the street with streamers announcing their sale!! Every car that went by got quite a show and many stopped (how could you NOT!!) They were so cute and had such a fun time. They plan to spend their earnings this weekend with a trip to Baskin Robbins!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Abby's Art Show

Abby was so excited Friday when she was told that her sculpture was chosen to be in a children's art show at the Reston Community Center. We went to the art show today and they had refreshments, a few speakers and spotlighted the artists!! A few of Abby's best buddies were there as well and they had a great time!! Abby spent alot of time planning her outfit complete with lace leggings!! Her sculpture is: seeing art through the eyes of children, hers has a basketball hoop, a bench for the adults to sit, a slide etc. She was very pleased to be chosen and we are very proud of Abby!! I got a kick out of the live art at the show, they looked like kids in snuggies moving around on a bench!! Abby and her friends thought they were pretty funny!! I could do that kind of art!!

Abby and her two buddies Rachel and Victoria

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crazy For You Rehearsals!!!

Sarah, Amy and Matthew are REALLY enjoying their Crazy for You rehearsals!! They are having SO much fun with the dancing and the singing and the kids in the play are so much fun. They came home with their costumes today and were very excited about those!! Sarah looks very grown up with her follie girl hat on!!! I think they have more costumes to come but they got some of them today. It makes it seem so real and that the play WILL happen!! FUN times!!!

Group Huddle!!!

Amy's Choir goes to Festival!!

Amy and her friends aminta and Cynthia in the band room waiting for their performance to start!!!!

Amy and her friend, Aminta in the choir room waiting for the bus!!!

Yesterday, Amy's choir and the eighth grade men's choir went to McLean high school for their festival competition. They had a lot of fun drawing, taking pictures, and playing with Amy's friend's iPhone!!! I arrived an hour early, since they pushed Amy's performance back an hour!!! So I hung out in the band room, aka the 'holding room', with Amy's friends!!!!! They came home with a 2 for excellent, and had A LOT of fun!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chorus Concert!!!

Abby with NO room to sit in the car with all the concession food!!

I think Sarah thinks Amy is crazy, don't we all!!!

It is always so much work getting ready for a Chorus concert!!! We had everyone ready and dressed and hairdone, car packed and out the door for the night at 5:00 as we needed to pick up Amy's friend who did not have a ride and I wanted to be at the High School by 5:30. As you can see in the picture of Abby smushed in the back seat with all the concession snacks and drinks on top of her!! Every time I turned a corner she would scream. I keep everything at our house, it is a miracle that the girls don't get into the all the candy bars, skittles, starburts, M & M's etc. that we sell at concessions!! They are very good about knowing that is for the High School. Now that I have Take 5 candy bars, my favorite, I will have to remember to STAY OUT after a stressful day!! The Concert was fabulous, all of the choirs did a fabulous job!! Amy loves to be at the high school and loved exploring with her friends and taking pictures in the music hall. She had several kids from the High School choir ask her if she was a "Mini Freeman" which made her happy!!! Everyone loves to be recognized!! Amy's choir sang with Sarah's choir for one song and that was so good and so fun to see them together!! It was a great night, even though we all got to bed WAY too late!!!

Exploring the High School!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day/No School!!!

The girls were thrilled when it snowed Sunday night and into Monday morning!! They cancelled school Sunday night before it even started snowing, what is with that?? We thought that was pretty funny!! We did get about 6 inches which was so fun and the girls stayed outside most of the day even though with the wind chill the temps were in the single digits, COLD!!!! They met up with all their buddies in the neighborhood and sled at the ditch as they call it with the biggies, the middles and the youngies!! I think they had about 12 people over at their friends house and had so much fun!! They were all set to have snow day number two and were sad when there was only a 2 hour delay and life had to get back to normal!! We LOVE snow days!!!