Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

Our lovely 2009 ornaments!

My girls, impatiently awaiting to go downstairs to the tree!

Milk, cookies, and a letter to Santa!

Lovely Christmas PJs!

Amy, the song leader!

Amy and Chris!




The older kids, minus Matthew, who were very proud that they were promoted to the adult table!

Jensen, Abby, and Jenn!

My lovely girls!

We had a very fun Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning!! We has a wonderful roast and mashed potato's, salad, fruit, home made rolls and yummy appetizers!! We had a fabulous Christmas Eve program with each of the kids performing and they were SO talented!! Sarah and Michael were the MC's of the evening and were fabulous as usual. We ended the night with caroling and boy can we carol!! We went and caroled to the neighbors as well which they loved!! It was so nice to spend Christmas Eve with the Shipps and the Fredericksons and we missed Mom and Dad but know they are where they should be right now. We went home from Mom's and enjoyed some family time... opening jammies, reading the night before Christmas, throwing food for the reindeer, putting out cookies for Santa, reading the Scriptures and chatting. We had a nice time. This morning has been really nice, all of the kids are very pleased and we had a nice big breakfast!! Christmas is the BEST!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Christmas Eve Program

The traditional Christmas Eve Program seems to get better each year. Everyones talents continue to shine through. It was a fun evening and we even went next door to Carol

Reston Town Center Trip!

Jonathan in skinny jeans, frightening!
Jenn and Jensen, the "Opera Twins"

The fourteen year old table

Cuties :)

Panera bread!

Amy and Jonathan hanging out!

The kids all loved the gingerbread village

The Freemans and Fredericksons in front of the tree!

The Freeman girls!

All the Shipps (minus Matthew and Sarah) headed down to Reston Town Center at 10 in the morning for a fun- filled adventure. We went to look at the gingerbread village in the Hyatt, make wishes at a fountain, walk, talk, and mess around! The trip ended with a stop at Panera for bagels! Afterwards Jensen and Jonathan came back to our house where Amy crushed Jonathan in a Dance Dance Revolution Battle, then they all watched some old family videos, and had some snacks. Then the kids had the idea for putting on a little Christmas special for their grandparents that they called "Christmas with Shipp 5" which included Opera by Jenn and Jensen, a rap by Jonathan, a hilly billy song by Abby, and some interpretive dancing by Amy. They finished it off with a big mega mix at the end! It was darling and their grandparents loved it!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

MIddle School Concert #2

Middle Schol Choir Concert

Let it Snow!

This is officially the blizzard of the decade!! We have at least 20 inches of snow and it is still snowing!! Sarah, Amy and I walked down the street and were huffing and puffing we were so out of breath!! What a great workout!! We had a very fun snow day. Abby spent the day with her buddies Rachel and Hannah. Jenn was off with her buddies (Alexis, Elena, Sarah O. and Abby) so we did not see much of them but we had fun with the big girls who we don't see often playing in the snow and watching Elf. I got all my presents wrapped and goodies made and put together, we will see if they will get delivered!! We may have alot of snow days ahead of us :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Were you There

Jenn Jingle Bells

Jenn's Marshmallow World

This is the first of two videos of Jenn and her group.

Jenn and Abby's Voice Recital

Here is Abby and Carter's group singing their threes songs at the recital

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The program!
Sing Oklahoma!!!!!

I'd like to teach you all a little saying, and learn the words by heart, the way you should!

Jumping for JOY


Amy with some friends!

Amy with her friend Emily

Sarah with her buddies



Amy with her friend Melissa!
The girls had a blast in Oklahoma! The shows all went great, and had a fun time with their new and old friends! They were both very sad to see the show end.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oklahoma's Opening Night!

the cousins!!!

The Laurels came to see Sarah in the show!

Singing Oklahoma!

The box social!

Many New Day!!!