Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Freshman Orientation!!

Sarah survived her first night in the dorms (or should I say I survived her first night in the dorms:) Sarah did great and was happy as ever!! We headed down to Provo for orientation and Sarah was already off with her group for the day!! We went to pick up our tickets for lunch. I admit I got teary seeing all of those kids on the Helaman field playing get to know you games, there was just such a great spirit of good, clean fun surrounding the whole day I could not help but get teary and feel grateful that I was bringing Sarah to this school, surrounded by people with her same beliefs and standards. We went to the Marriott Center for the opening devotional and that was fabulous!! I kept looking for Sarah but did not see her. From there we went to the Wilkinson Center for the parents luncheon with a speaker. The speaker was Brad Wilcox and he was just amazing, so funny with great advice. I saw several people I knew and that was really fun. I then went to a class on first time parents to BYU and really enjoyed that as well. After that Sarah texted me that she was free (I had a bunch of stuff I had purchased for her and wanted to connect with her to get it to her) We met in the Bookstore, shopped a little and then met up with Mom and Colleen before going to Sarah's dorm and setting up her new stuff. Sarah had a great day of orientation and that night they were watching Tangled on the big screen TV at the Helaman field. Sarah raced off to meet some new friends just talking a mile a minute, SO HAPPY!! Oh, how it warmed my heart!! The 3 of us stopped for some mexican food on the way home, tired but happy!! More on our trip to be continued!!

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