Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BYU - Here Comes Sarah!!!

Well, my little Sarah is off on her college adventure at BYU!! I am so proud of her and how she has handled all of this change with grace and with such a positive go get em attitude. Can I just point out how different she is from her Mom when I went off to BYU and turned to Mom on the plane and said I did not care if the plane crashed so I would not be saying a prayer for safety-NICE!! I am sorry Mom for that!! It was hard enough for me taking Sarah and my stomach was in knots the whole time but we did have fun in the mean time!! Here is the low down on our trip:

We got to the airport at 4:30 in the morning which is 2:30 in the morning Utah time, early!! Sarah was a great flying companion for her nervous Mom but I did fine watching Modern Family with Sarah at my side. Only once did I turn to Sarah and ask her if she also thought it looked like we were flying into the mountain. She replied that not only was that not a mountain but we were nowhere near it!! Harsh!!

We arrived in Salt Lake to my phone ringing from Mom who left hours after us and arrived before us, the joys of straight through flights. Dale picked us up and took dropped us off at Temple Square in Salt Lake where we loved to see the Temple, went in the Tabernacle, Sarah and I toured the visitor's center and also the Conference Center and we went to the huge Deseret Book. We met Colleen for lunch at the JSB bldg. at the Navouoo House which was so yummy and fun. From there we went to visit Grandma's old house and Mom was brave enough to knock on the door and ask the current owner to go in and see the house. You have to love Mom!! The memories just flooded back of Grandma and wonderful times with our family and cousins!! I loved it. We went from there to Kathy's to chill before the big family dinner that night. It was so fun to see everyone and re-connect with my cousins. They are so much fun and great to laugh with and we have so many fun memories with!! We were all so tired, especially me and Sarah who had been going since the middle of the night that bed felt really good. We had a big day the next day: Sarah moves into the dorm. To be continued!!

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