Saturday, August 3, 2013

Herndon Choir!!

Amy after her amazing Senior spotlight waving her final goodbye!!  She was kindof embarrassed that she did that, I thought it was adorable!!

One of my all time favorite pictures of Amy singing!!  This was one of her solos in Pops!!  She was not allowed to use the microphone because this was a belting solo and Amy did not need the microphone!!  It was absolutely amazing!!

There is SO much emotion in this picture!!  This was the last day of choir and Madrigals for these talented Seniors.  They did their finals this day where they talked about all of their favorite times in choir and what they have learned etc.  I know how much time Amy spent on this final (way more than on any of her other finals that is for sure!!!!)  It was extremely emotional for her and others and lots of tears were shed.  I know I will miss all of these talented seniors and dear friends of Amy SO much next year.  The choir will miss them dearly!!  They will all do wonderful at the many different colleges where they will be!!

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