Friday, August 2, 2013


It has been so long since I wrote the last entry about the Choir award ceremony that I may be repeating myself!!  I am so behind on all the exciting things that have been happening the past few months!!  The awards banquet was amazing and bittersweet!!  I was so sad to see this wonderful part of Amy's life come to an end, even though I know what fabulous things are waiting for her at BYU!!  This choir department and her amazing director Dana have truly been her high school experience!!  It is where she has felt safe, where she could be herself and where she found her true friends.  Dana created such a safe place for all my girls to shine and grow and stretch their talents and do things they never thought possible.  Amy worked so hard her 4 years in the department and has been a wonderful example and a fabulous leader to others.  I am very proud of her.  She received a choir scholarship from the choir boosters and an award for being a show choir captain and the Director's award from Dana.  It was a big night for Amy and very well deserved!! 

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