Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugeration Day of Barack Obama!!!

What a great day today was!!! It was amazing watching Obama get sworn in as President!! What a historical moment!! I was quite teary and emotional. I gathered all the girls around me on my bed and we all watched together and listened to his speech and pretty much watched all the festivities throughout the day!! Sarah could not get over how many balls the Obama's have to attend tonight!! They will be so tired when this day is over. After his speech and the girls had lunch we had 3 of the girls friends over, the Overton's, Megan, Sarah and Hannah. It was funny how they all did separate things. The "older girls" were on their facebooks and then guitar hero, "the middle" as they call themselves were the bakers and made brownies and did fashion shows and looked at pictures of Joe Jonas, and the youngest ones played a quiet game of Life!!! They had a great time!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I find it hard to believe that Abby and Hannah's game of life was the least bit "quiet"!!! :)
