Friday, February 27, 2009

New Beginnings!!

Jennifer and Keary!!

Jenn, Shaunie and Sarah!! Sarah did such a great job planning New Beginnings for Young Women's for one of her last Value Projects and what a treat to get to spotlight such a darling upcoming Beehive as our sweet Jennifer!! Jenn had such a fun time being a part of Young Women's and was so thrilled to be there last night and it made her SO excited for when she turns 12 this summer!! Sarah has worked so hard planning this night and her Mom has helped her all week with decorations and refreshments. She got a true taste of leadership as both her speakers canceled and she ended up having to speak and prepare a talk the night before but everything just turned out lovely!! I was very proud of Sarah and thrilled for Jenn!! Amy was off at play practice and was very missed of course!! Way to go Sarah and Jenn!!


  1. Sarah is developing into a true leader! I am so proud of her. What a delightful and accomplished young woman!

  2. I know it was a perfect evening. How could it not be with Sarah in charge and Jenn being welcomed into young women. I am proud of both of you.
