Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Choir Banquet!!

Amy and Colin getting their Director's awards from Dana!!  She had such lovely things to say about these two!!  How there was never any drama with them, what great examples they are to the other kids and how it was always about the music!! 

 The Show Choir Captains!!  They did such a great job this year!!

Amy, Colin and Cameron and their classic pose that they have done since Freshman year Cabaret!!

 Giving Dana the gift from the Senior class which was a Blue ray player to go with her new TV and the kids each brought her a Blue ray to keep in the classroom and wrote her a letter telling her how much she means to them!!  How we love Dana!!!
There is much more to come on the Banquet like Amy receiving a big scholarship etc.!!  It was a great night!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random end of year choir pics

Amy was SO sad to see the end of Choir this year!!  She was not so sad to graduate as she was SO sad to walk out of that choir room for the last time.  I have much more to catch up on for the last half of this year but these are just a few random end of the year choir shots taken on Amy's phone, one of the funnest was in sweet frog where Dana made an appearance and had ice cream with the kids after a fundraising dinner!!  These kids have sung together for years and been friends for years and are so supportive and kind to each other!!  This choir department is such a great blessing to my girls!!