Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Amy's Senior Pics!!

How is my sweet Amy a super Senior!!  I feel like Sarah was just a senior and we just sent her off to college and here I have another senior!!  How is that possible???  Amy was just going off to preschool and racing down the street on barnstead drive and crashing her bike like a wild woman!!  Amy always ran a million miles an hour, just fearless, talking a mile a minute!!  So much energy, exxcitement and joy surrounds this wonderful precious child of ours!!  She has blessed our home so much with her passion for life and truly everything she is involved in.  She has filled our home with beautiful singing at all times (especially when she is in the shower, long showers!!)  and much laughter and joy!!  She has such a strong testimony of the Gospel and what is right and will stick to her standards no matter how difficult it is.  I have never once had to worry about the choices that Amy is making, what a wonderful blessing that is.  Amy is a beautiful young woman on the outside and the inside.  I am so lucky to be her Mom and I learn so much from her every single day!!  I love you so much sweet Amy!!!  Happy Senior year, enjoy every moment!!

Halloween Dance!!

Amy and Jenn had so much fun at the Stake Halloween dance this past weekend!!  I am so glad that they have such a great group of friends that they have so much fun with.  It was quite stressful coming up with costumes for them to wear.  Jenn and Caroline really wanted to wear footy P.j's (not sure why, but they looked cute!! )  Amy's ideas were very interesting!!  One if her ideas was to put a treble clef on her shirt  and she would be here comes "Treble" I tried to gently tell her that that was not a halloween costume.  She thought that people would know that she was trying to be Cam from Modern Family (uh, NO!!)  She had a couple of other classic ideas as well, such a funny girl!! 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Honor's Choir Audition

Amy and a group of kids from choir went to Farmville Virginia on Saturday to audition for Honor's Choir.  It was a very hard audition, especially the sight singing and they all had worked very hard preparing for it.  Only one of them (the boy who went) made it, but Amy and her friend Megan missed it by one point!!  So hard to be so close!!  They did amazing!!  There were more kids that auditioned this year than ever before.  We are so proud of Amy and all of the great kids in choir!!  Tom drove them down and had a great time with them.