Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Abby's trip to NYC!!!

Abby took her very first trip to NYC this past weekend with Carter, Aunt Becky, Julie, Grandma and Grandpa!!  She has been looking forward to this trip for a long time and had such a blast!!  They had a packed 2 days and she is so grateful to Becky for making this trip possible and taking her on this wonderful trip!!  They left early in the morning on Sunday and took the bus up to New York.  We let Abby use Tom's cell phone for the 2 days just to make me, her Mom, feel safe about her being gone and for any reason if she got separated it made me feel better.  Abby with a cell phone is a scary, but rather amusing thing!!  The girls and I would wait by our phones for the next text from Abby or picture text that was taken (may or may not taken some "slump cam" pics of people on the trip!!)  They were classic, very funny texts, love that flair for the dramatics!!  They got to New York and had time for lunch and got checked in and then were off to the musical Newsies!!  The LOVED it!!  Becky and Dad chose to go to another play.  They also went on a carriage ride around central park, got Rays pizza that night and loved being with the crowds in NYC.  The next day they went to the top of the rock, took a boat ride around to see the Statue of Liberty and did the normal tourist shopping before it was time to head to the bus for home.  It was a  wonderful trip and many fun memories!!