Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fiddler Head shots/Abby in Wizard of Oz!!

Abby is SO excited for the opening of the Wizard of Oz this weekend!! She will be a darling munchkin and has been singing the songs for months!! Sarah and Amy are both pleased with their head shots for Fiddler!! What darling girls :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fiddler Pics!!

The girls are getting so excited for Fiddler to open!! Sarah and Amy are so busy with rehearsals and having SO much fun!! It is going to be a great play!! I can hardly wait!!

Choir Concert: Amy's First Show Choir/Sarah's First Madrigal!!

It was very fun going to Sarah and Amy's first Choir Concert of the year!! Amy's first Show Choir Concert, Sarah's first concert as Show Choir Captain, Sarah's first concert in Madrigals AND Sarah had her own song as one of 3 people to get into the State Honor's Choir. She sang one of her Italian songs and was amazing!! The whole concert was awesome!!! I was SO proud of my girls, they had a blast!!

My girls and Christine, Sarah's best friend!!

Sarah, Christine and Emily

The Oklahomies!! Amanda, Megan, Amy and Alyson

I love my girls SO much!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Dance!!

Amy had a lot of fun at the Stake Halloween dance. She made T-shirts with a group of people on Friday night and they met before the dance on Saturday and played Just Dance 2 before going together to the dance. They had a great time!!

Homecoming Football Game!!

Amy and Sarah both had a blast at the Homecoming football game even though our team is really struggling this year and we got creamed!! They had a great time hanging out with friends and that is what it is all about, right!! GO HERNDON!!

Homecoming Parade!!

It was a beautiful morning for a homecoming parade and we really enjoyed hanging out with friends and watching it!! It was fun to see the Bishop and Laurie lead the parade!! Amy and Michael were also part of the parade with the Drama department singing the whole time songs from Fiddler on the Roof. They sounded fabulous!! Sarah and Matthew were off taking the ACT's one last time. It was a really fun morning!!